The City of Carlsbad City Council and Planning Commission on December 4, 2007, certified the adoption of Environmental Impact Report (EIR 05-05), approved the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan, General Plan Amendment (GPA 05-04), Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA 05-01) and the Discussion Item (DI 05-01). A smallest portion of the 17 planning areas within the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan.

The LCP confirmed its findings to the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan that includes the Planning Area G and H (the proposed “Newage Luxury Resort Project”), which the City of Carlsbad has intended for this Vision Plan to provide guidance for the future development of the Ponto Area.
The Planning Area G and H has since vetted and permitted for Hotel and Vacation Timeshare, have land use designation of VC and TS/C, and is consistent with existing general plan land use and zoning.

The Amended LCP further confirmed the southern portion of the Ponto Area's (The Resort Hotel’s) use has been identified in two previous Master Plan approved for this area.

Project Team kicked off preliminary review (PRE 16-10) with City of Carlsbad on Project Design and Concept and hosted a presentation meet and greet with nearby residents and community HOA.

Project received City of Carlsbad’s preliminary planning with Parks and Recreation’s reviews and redlines (PRE 2017-0002).
Project Team and Architect returned to drawing board in attempts to meet the best of the City comments and Community’s voices.

The Project received City of Carlsbad Planning Staffs’ additional preliminary reviews and redlines (PRE 2018-0021) (DEV2017-0014).
Project Team and Architect again returned to the drawing board together with meeting sessions with the City of Carlsbad in attempts to achieve the ultimate design and concept for a better-defined objective path to all project consultants to begin planning and permit process.

Project Team re-grouped and re-shuffled the conceptual plan through multiple meeting sessions held with City Staff and the ever-changing policies and conflicting guidelines.
Project Team delivered full Conceptual Design Development Plan with Project Application and fees submitted for Site Development Plan review and approval (SDP 2019-0011) (DEV2017-0014).​
The Project received City of Carlsbad’s 1st planning application review comments and redlines.​​

The Project Team rushed through months of vigorous revisions/modification, and made re-submittal happened in February 19, 2020. Project Applicant received City Planning’s second review comments and redlines back on April 9, 2020. Yet happening at the time, a global pandemic has disrupted all worldwide, causing a burden on everyone’s daily life in some way both socially and economically.
As the unprecedented times has brought challenges to everyone everywhere, this project team remain with optimism and meticulously continued through revisions to the City Planning’s comments and redlines, made substantial coordination with City Staffs, and attempted for another round of re-submittal in October. Unfortunately by November, the Project was impelled to accept City’s rejection for third re-submittal due to City’s new submittal procedure in place and in effect.
The Project was also hindered by the inability to complete the one important component of the environmental update, the Traffic Impact Analysis, due to new legislation that led to change in the way transportation impacts will be measured under the California Environmental and Quality Act (CEQA). VMT, an alternative metric that support the goal of SB743 has been mandated on all development project. The City of Carlsbad has not adopted its own guidelines until July and was continuing to develop its citywide VMT threshold and guidelines. Project Consultant received City’s approved CAP, guides, and recommendation in September. Project was required to go through third party review to VMT methods whereby SANDAQ to model traffic was recommended. SANDAQ started modeling project in December.

As the project team enters into another year with hopes to find the silver lining to bring the project to finish line. Full environmental updates have now been completed with TIA/VMT fully coordinated with City Staff and anticipating City’s acceptance of the long awaited third re-submittal.