Habitat Preservation
With a focus on preserving the natural beauty of Carlsbad, the Project emphasizes the harmony between architecture, landscape and the environment. The Project will establish an uplands habitat and will dedicate approximately 6 acres to biological open space preserve.
The Site
The primary trail within the site will be converted into an established pedestrian trail in accordance with City design standards. This trail will be dedicated for public use and will extend outward through native habitat to a scenic overlook and trail turnaround area. In addition to coastal views, this scenic overlook area will contribute to passive recreation for the public including interpretive environmental signage to enhance the hiking , photography, nature watching and artistry experience.
The Project will maintain the landscape of sensitive native uplands habitat with the dedication of a 6 acre on-site biological open space preserve which will contain uplands, riparian and wetlands habitat and occupied species. The Preserve area will be fenced along the trail and other development interfaces so that it will be conserved and managed in perpetuity and will be contiguous with the existing Habitat Management Plan hardline preserve south of the Project.
Dedicated to preserving the sites diegan coastal sage scrub, the Project has contracted the expertise of Helix Environmental Planning to maintain the interconnected habitat of coastal sage scrub as it is vital to such species as the California gnatcatcher and the San Diego thornmint.